Ambitious music producer, professional human being, likes a good challenge!

Age 23, Male

Music Producer

Joined on 6/11/20

Exp Points:
185 / 280
Exp Rank:
> 100,000
Vote Power:
4.11 votes
Global Rank:
> 100,000
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Hello everyone!

I finally have the time to write this. A lot happened since I made my post about my hiatus. First off, I finally found a temporary job! It pays well and is relatively easy. Problem is, it's a night shift and is from 5 PM to 4 AM. That, combined with the 8 hours of sleep, I barely have anytime for anything, which unfortunately seals the deal on the possibility of me returning to music production. I still technically have a day off every week, but that is still not enough to produce and release a track. However, that doesn't mean I will stop making music all together, I will just shelf it for now until I find a better opportunity to return. Wish me luck!

As for my Minecraft series on my YouTube channel, I unfortunately won't be able to continue it due to my day off not aligning with Primo's. I still have one more session to upload, but again, I just need the time to edit it and upload it. Like my music, I will shelf the series for now until I find an opportunity to return.

For my mental health, I found a good therapist and we are progressing well. All things considered, I'm doing way better since my last update and I feel pretty fulfilled. Also, I officially got diagnosed with having ADHD symptoms which is a huge relief and explains a lot about myself! I had a self diagnosis before because therapy is expensive, but now it is (kinda) official.

That's all for now. Thank you for the support and enjoying my work! I hope my departure won't be long. All I hope for is to be patient with me and buy/listen to my tracks on your favorite app or website.

For now, I bid you farewell!


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